Opening Day Lunch May 1st 2022
10 June 2022On Sunday May 1st we had our first opening day lunch for 2 years.
The Jacob Join was opened by Paul Finnerty and then we all sampled each others amazing home cooked dishes.
The winter ladder champions were announced. Graham Lanigan and Sally Cottam were the new winners of the Michael Waite trophy. Congratulations to Graham, Sally and all participants.
And in a big shock, the Avril Ruby Ô Donnell trophy for Mens and Ladies doubles were awarded to winter ladder organisers Ed Sawer and Linda Haworth by winter ladder creator Avril. Both Ed and Linda thought that those trophies were being awarded to other members!
We then followed with an American tournament organised by Roy and Becca Lunio. Always good fun after a delicious meal. The grass was too wet but the turnout popular so we decided to use the mini court. Mini court doubles was played with the opposite hand which made for great spectating.
The winners were Mark Taylor, Catherine Rogerson and Michelle Buckley who each get a brand new can of balls.
The day was ended by an exciting junior match between the U17s vs the U14s which was a thrilling display of our junior tennis. Some have already entered the open tournament. The club has a bright future.
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