Open Tournament


Each year the club runs an Open Tournament

  • The event is open to all club-members, including juniors.
  • Played over the best-of-three sets.
  • Includes Mens / Ladies Singles
  • Includes Mens / Ladies Doubles
  • Includes Mixed Doubles

The finals for each category typically take place mid-July.

Rules and Guidelines for Play

  • Deadlines for each round must be adhered to for fairness to others and to ensure all matches are completed by Finals Day.
  • If a match is not played by the deadline then both pairs or individuals will be withdrawn from the tournament.
  • It is the responsibility of both pairs/players for making the arrangements to play the match.  Contact details can be found in the Members Area
  • Please organise your matches early to minimise the effects of adverse weather or holidays.
  • All participants should be available to take part / play on Finals Day.

Submitting Match Results

Please make sure you have a match-result submitted (even via a toin-coss ) by the due-date of your match.

This allows the tournament to progress smoothly.

Failure to have a result by the due-date will lead to both-parties being disqualfied and withdrawn from the tournament.