9 April 2023

As we start the new season, please take note of the following events happening throughout the rest of this year:

Sunday 23 April               Grass Courts open

Sunday 30 April               Opening Day Lunch (12.00pm) followed by an American Tournament

Sunday 14 May                American Tournament

Monday 15 May               Open Tournament begins

Monday 5 June                Handicap Tournament begins

Friday 23 June                 MNDA Golf Day Green Drive Golf Club

Sunday 2 July                  American Tournament Progressive Handicap scoring)

Sunday 9 July                  Open Finals Day

Friday 4 August                Pimms Afternoon

Sunday 3 September        American Tournament (pick a partner!)

Sunday 10 September      Junior Tournament Finals in the morning

Sunday 10 September      Handicap Finals in the afternoon

Saturday 30 September    Summer Ball @ Clifton Arms

Sunday 1 October             Winter Ladder commences

Wednesday 6 December   Wreath Making Evening

Tuesday 26 December      Tiebreak Tens Tournament

Please note that some dates may change and additional events may be planned. Check the notice board/website ( Emails will be sent out accordingly.