Annual General Meeting 2021

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Lytham Tennis Club will be held in the Clubhouse on Wednesday, 24 November 2021 at 7:30 pm.


Only full, paid-up Senior Playing and Patron Members are entitled to attend and only those present shall be entitled to vote.




  1. Apologies for absence


  1. Minutes of the 2020 AGM


  1. Matters arising


  1. Chairman’s Report


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. Election of the Auditors


  1. Captains’ Reports


  1. Election of Club Officials


  • Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Ladies’ Captain
  • Men’s Captain
  • Other Committee members


  1. Any Other Business


Nominations for the Chairman should be received by the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the Meeting.  It would help if nominations for other positions are also notified in advance but they may be made at the Meeting, provided that the nominee is present or has signified in writing their agreement to stand.


Any resolution which is proposed at the Meeting must be notified to the Secretary in writing 7 days prior to the Meeting.


By order of the Committee


Frank Murphy – Secretary



Presently, there is no mandatory requirement to wear face covering when attending this meeting and remains a personal choice and will be respected.  However, with increasing levels of covid being notified and the potential of government restrictions this advice may have to change.  This notice also covers the possibility of holding another ‘virtual AGM’ similar in format to 2020.


Most Improved Player 2021

We are pleased to announce that Warwick Tunnicliffe is this year’s recipient of  the Tim Parrott Trophy.
This trophy, for the most improved player of the year, was donated by Helen and John to commemorate the short life of their son Tim and has seen many worthy winners over the years.
Well done Warren

Dinner Dance/Summer Ball

Dear Member

The annual end of season tennis dance was held on Saturday 18th September and a wonderful time was had by all.  In total 85 guests attended and enjoyed dancing to the very entertaining Tony Benedict and delicious food provided by Davina Parker, High Class Catering.  Some fabulous raffle prizes were donated by:

Dear Member The annual end of season tennis dance was held on Saturday 18th September and a wonderful time was had by all. In total 85 guests attended and enjoyed dancing to the very entertaining Tony Benedict and delicious food provided by Davina Parker, High Class Catering. Some fabulous raffle prizes were donated by: Alison Plackett and Pat Booth from Plackett and Booth, Mark Whitehead of Exquisite, Bosco, The Grand in St Annes, St Annes Beach Huts, donated by Zoe and Stuart Robertson A beautiful plant from Liz and Nigel Guffogg, An Adidas top from Catherine Rogerson An hour’s coaching from our resident coach Greg Porter We are very grateful to the generosity of all the above and in total the evening raised over £700 for the Club funds. Our congratulations to our Lady Captain, Pamela French who was awarded the Chairman’s choice of ‘Member of the Year’. A very successful and fun night, roll on next year. See you there! LTC Social CommitteeAlison Plackett and Pat Booth from Plackett and Booth,

Mark Whitehead of Exquisite,


The Grand in St Annes,

St Annes Beach Huts, donated by Zoe and Stuart Robertson

A beautiful plant from Liz and Nigel Guffogg,

An Adidas top from Catherine Rogerson

An hour’s coaching from our resident coach Greg Porter


We are very grateful to the generosity of all the above and in total the evening raised over £700 for the Club funds.

Our congratulations to our Lady Captain, Pamela French who was awarded the Chairman’s choice of ‘Member of the Year’.


A very successful and fun night, roll on next year.  See you there!


LTC Social Committee


Road to Wimbledon Junior Finals 2021

On Saturday 5th June the girls and boys singles final took place on a lovely sunny day.  All the juniors showed great skills in their tennis with very close matches.


Ophelia and Rebecca battled for every point Jan umpired and commented on the high standard of play with many of the games going to deuce.  Ophelia was the winner today 4-1, 5-3 and will go through to the next round.



Harry and Callum had a similar battle. Oliver was the umpire and commented how both boys were challenged to bring out their best shots.

Harry was the winner today 4-0, 4-2 and will go through to the next round.  Huge congratulations to all the juniors and thank you to our umpires and spectators




Court Availability and Priorities

In general we rely on member’s common sense, good manners and courtesy regarding the use of courts. However there have been a number of recent instances when certain members have tried to assert their rights regarding which courts they want to use.

For the avoidance of doubt the following shall apply.

League Matches

The centre two grass courts are reserved for Fylde League matches and Tournament Finals. No other play is allowed unless sanctioned by the Committee.

Scheduled and re-arranged Fylde League matches take preference on the other grass courts as required.

Fylde League matches may move to the carpet courts after 9pm only if the courts are not being used by members. They have no priority over any specific court(s) and members should not be asked to move to another court to accommodate matches being moved.

Ribble League matches have priority on carpet courts 1 & 2 on Wednesday evenings and very occasionally on other nights if matches have to be re-arranged. If other carpet courts are available then they may use other courts for their match only if there are no members wishing to play. In that event the members have priority and should not be asked to move to another court to accommodate the Ribble League match.

Tournament Matches (Open. Handicap & Winter League)

These matches have no priority over general club play in any circumstances and players should not ask other members to move from a specific court because, for whatever reason, they wish to play on it.

Once they have started their match they are entitled to complete it.

Social Tennis

Sunday afternoons (2pm-4pm) and Tuesday evenings (6pm-8pm) are solely for Social mix-in tennis and no tournament matches or friendlies should be played between these times. In extreme circumstances such matches may be sanctioned by the Committee in advance.

Occasionally the Committee may organise ‘American tournaments’. These will be well publicised and may mean that no courts will be available for general play.


Juniors may play at any time subject to court availability. However after 6pm Senior members shall have priority.

Juniors have priority on Sunday afternoons between 2pm and 4pm on Courts 5 and 6

General Club Play

Subject to the restrictions above Senior members may play at any time providing that the courts are fit. However they must mix-in during designated social times.

In the event that the courts are fully occupied it should be noted that doubles play takes preference over singles. If members wishing to play doubles (all 4 present) are waiting because there are no courts available then the singles players should complete the set and move off court and join those waiting to play on other courts as they become free.


We are fortunate that we have 12 courts for summer use, but of course we also have a thriving membership which means that on rare occasions there are more members wishing to play than available courts.

On such times we hope that all members will be courteous to each other, recognise that ‘all members are equal’ and be prepared to join in or wait for a little time whilst others enjoy a set of tennis.

And finally whilst you are reading this….

Please remember that only tennis clothing and footwear is allowed on court.

Please lower the nets and lock the gates after play.

Pay for any visitors before or as soon after you play as possible (sorry Juniors may not introduce visitors without prior Committee approval)

Enjoy your tennis and recognise that all other members have the same rights (and responsibilities) as you do.

Lytham Tennis Committee
July 2019

Court Safety Advice


There is no reason why the carpet courts cannot be used in very cold weather.

However we would like to remind all our members that on no account should they try to improve the condition of the courts by using salt – this will damage the courts.  It is not possible for the groundsman to do anything about frost or ice on the courts – he must wait for the temperatures to rise before working on them.

For this reason we must advise all our members to take extreme care in frosty and icy conditions and to remind them that at all times they play at their own risk.

Lytham Tennis Club Committee

Plastic re-cycling

Tennis Recycling


Much of the ‘rubbish’ which is thrown away at the Club comprises plastic bottles which can be recycled.  Some of the green bins are now designated for plastic waste only and it would be helpful if you could use these for your plastic bottles.  We are unable to find anyone who will take the plastic bottles and so for now they are being collected by a select band of ladies and disposed of by them.

At some time in the future we hope to extend our recycling campaign to include cans.