Fylde Men Match Reports Blog

10 June 2022
Beautifully written by Ed after the 3rd week of matches!
Rain rain go away
The Fylde men want to play.
Stormy showers, grass slippy,
Having a game would be silly
The 4ths rained off before the open draw
The 3rds cancelled as Fairhaven arrived at the door
The 2nds got wet, but finished just in time
The firsts and fifths got glorious sunshine,
The 2nds got 2, the firsts got 3
The fifths got 1, allons-y !
Watching the firsts was pristine,
Utter dominance against Wrea green,
The rallies and games went under the lights,
The crowd watched with drinks and clapped with delight.
The 2nds only had one pair, so Roy joined in,
Playing division 5 a natural home for him!
The 5ths had to navigate a building site,
Just to find their game that night.
Bring on the sunshine, bring away the rain,
I don’t fancy rearranging a rained off match again.